
The oldest branded chicken company in America, based in Pennsylvania


  • IT Director moved from a previous food processing client and asked for us to come in and help.

  • Multiple internal points of contact due to turnover.

  • Multiple carriers, with plans that did not work together.

  • Rapid growth that led to lack of ability to actively manage the accounts.

How We Helped

  • Combined the accounts to have one account per carrier.

  • Created a uniform rate plan structure to have more allowance than needed with a 20% buffer.

  • Removed all lines with 3 plus months without usage.

  • Took over all account management, we do weekly checks of the account and provide monthly reports detailing all key numbers and changes.


  • Monthly Savings: $1,506

  • Percentage Saved: 27.65%

  • Savings Per Device: $10.34
