One of the most recognizable private companies in the Lehigh Valley, which was founded in the 1930’s. They had been a client for over 10 years before taking a break to attempt to handle the account internally.
After attempting to handle internally with a long time employee, they moved onto another company and the responsibilities fell back on the upper management.
Increases in both employee numbers and devices needed per employee caused managing the internally too costly and time consuming.
Overage was a main issue, caused by 9 users who accounted for 50-65% of total account usage.
How We Helped
The 9 largest users were moved onto unlimited plans.
Removal of 13 lines that had not been used in more than a year.
Revamped the entire rate plan structure to create the lowest average cost per user
Took over all account management responsibilities and began to review the account on a weekly and monthly basis.
Savings Per Month: $1,744
Percentage Saved: 28.32%
Savings Per Device: $12.82